Hello and welcome to my website here you can Read about dbz watch my dbz videos and also see cool old or new dbz Pictures. I will be updating this site bit by bit every so often so look forward to seeing something new^-^. Im Happy to make this site for Friends and dbz fans. If you have any questions or you want me to put your dbz videos or anything dbz on this site dont hesatate to ask. all videos or pic's that belong to that person will get full credit and any extra that person wants to put on here. You also get full credit for any good ideals put on this site.I thank you on behalf that you will enjoy this site and come check it out every so often.
Just to know!

There is only one person doing this site as best as he can. so I would love it if you left good comment's. Under me is a comment box you dont have to put your e-mail or you name just your comments. No one will see these comment but me so what ever you type on there no one will be able to see it so its privite! you will see one of these in each page you still can wright on the same one on a differnt page theres no differnts. thats all for now again there will be updates every so often and if you have a request I will see what I can do for you. also enjoy^-^ SINCERLY BERSERKLIMIT!!!!!!